I have been working ona new skin (a port actually) for the last month or two. Almost finished and ready for upload.
It is actually a port of an Enlightenment theme by Dark Alloy. I have finished most of the icons, and am using IconX to make them bigger, and resizable. Also using DesktopX for my HA bar, which uses a bit of VBscript to communicate with a COM object over the network (with my HA server, running Homeseer). I am using the CursorXP theme Prey, and the Windowblind skin is Fossils of the Machine, ported by me. The wall, eTheme, and icons are available for download from Dark Alloy’s site. The Winamp skin is steamgoth. Do a search for it at winamp.com
Should be making it available here and at wincustomize before the week is out, then I guess I need to start updating all of my old skins.
do you use a specific program for your calendar on your desktop? or it that part of the wallpaper?