An Apology to Reprasentative Isakson

Guess I didn’t take the time to think about what a busy man Johnny Isakson probably is. He DID respond to my email, this morning, and though it COULD be a canned answer, or one from a staffer, I don’t think so. Nothing particularly private in it, so I will post the contents of the email below. If needed, I am sure someone from his office will contact me if I need to remove it, so here it is:
Dear Richard:
Thank you for contacting my office regarding the Fair Tax. I appreciate your thoughts and the opportunity to respond.
I agree with you that the tax code is a source of anxiety and frustration for American taxpayers. This is why I voted in 2000 to repeal the tax code entirely and create a select commission to study the simplest and fairest way to raise government revenue. The commission would have studied the implications of a fair tax, flat tax, and other proposals. This legislation was introduced by Representative Steve Largent as H.R. 4199, the Date Certain Tax Code Replacement Act. The bill passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 229-187; the Senate did not act on H.R. 4199. This year, I am the co-sponsor of the reintroduced version of the Date Certain Tax Code Replacement Act, H.R. 278, which does the same thing as the previous version of 2000.
First and foremost, I believe that we need to fundamentally reform our tax system and eliminate wasteful spending. A consumption tax, such as the Fair Tax and which has been referred to as the “Cadillac of taxes,” is, in my mind, the most efficient form of taxation. Because I believe that true tax reform will not occur until Congress is faced with a deadline, I am supporting the Date Certain Tax Code Replacement Act as a way to begin the discussion. The time has come for a robust national debate on this issue, and this bill frames the debate exactly as it should – not on any one proposal but on all options available. In order to bring the debate forward, I have gladly signed on as a co-sponsor to H.R. 25, the Fair Tax, sponsored by Congressman John Linder (R-GA). Bringing one proposal forward will undoubtedly open up debate and discussion of all major alternatives to our tax system.
While I believe a fair tax may be the best solution, we must also be willing to consider other reform proposals such as former Majority Leader Dick Armey’s flat tax. Regardless, there are certain issues that must be addressed before final passage of any comprehensive reform. As a businessman, I understand that we need to ensure that the transition from the current system to an alternative system is as seamless as possible, recognizing that economic decisions have been based on depreciation, tax credits, interest, and other tax-free or tax-deferred investments that exist under the current system.
The importance of the transition plan cannot be underestimated if we are to avoid damaging the economy and harming the American family. We must not make the same mistake that we did in the 1980s. The Tax Reform Act of 1986 was well intentioned in its purpose of simplifying the tax code, but its unintended consequences were dramatic in contributing to the recession of the early 1990s and the collapse of the Savings & Loan industry. This must not be allowed to happen again. Ultimately, good tax policy is good economic policy.
Our $10 trillion economy is fueled by the hard work and creativity of the American people. There is no doubt that the current tax code serves as a barrier to the long-term growth and health of our economy. Congress must do something to bring tax relief to America’s families and businesses.
Please feel free to visit my website at for more information on issues that may be of importance to you, as well as to sign up for my monthly email update. Thank you again for contacting me, and I hope you will not hesitate to call on me in the future if I can be of assistance to you. Sincerely, Johnny Isakson Member of Congress

And thanks to you as well. I appreciate the fact that he took the time out to respond to me. Still not sure who I will vote for. I voted for Sandy Thomas las time, but that may change this time around.