
I am thinking about upgrading someone to an iPod Nano for Christmas. I see that it has a screen for the menus, but does it actually list the song titles or just basic shit like Play, Pause, etc..?

I know some of you guys have to know something. I use my pocket pc as an mp3 player as I don’t like carrying too much shit around. Sooner or later I will upgrade to a Palm Trio so that I can combine my phone with the pocket pc and camera. That will be sweet.

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19 throughts on "iPods"

  1. I don’t have the Nano, I have the mini, and the Mini shows the actual song, how many minutes each song is, and how far into the song it is playing. I’ll check around though and see if I can find an answer for you.

  2. That would be cool. Even though I won’t switch from my ipaq, I really like the ipods for their simplicity and design. I bought my son a samsung mp3 player several years ago, and it can be a pain in the ass just to get the music on it.

  3. OK, I spoke to my husband who has a iPod shuffle and a regular iPod. He says the Nano shows the songs, the shuffle does NOT. But, he said that he thinks more people have problems with Nanos than any other iPod; they tend to lock up more.

    You may want to take a look at the mini. I don’t know the price differential, but I really enjoy mine. It’s never locked up on me either. I run with it about 4X a week and play it in my car. No problems.

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