Professional Bloggers?

I guess that today is Judgmental Wednesday or “Asshole Hump Day” although that might carry other connotations. 🙂 I am just being very judgmental today. I am pissed off about work today so it is carrying over into everything else.

I have a MySpace account. I very rarely update it, but I set it up because my 17 year old has one and I wanted to be able to visit it, and also for a couple of old friends to find me if they so need to.

I will not link to the profile, not feeling like that much of an asshole, but I came across one today and she called herself “Blogger Extraordinaire” and listed Professional Blogger in her profile. I decided to visit her site.

I have to say, I definitely consider myself an amateur. I’ve blogged for about three years or so and kept a frequently updated website, almost a blog, for six or seven years before that. Prior to that I ran my mouth on pre-www days electronic BBSes. Michelle Malkin and Instapundit, to name two, are professional bloggers. Definitely not me.

Neither is this chick. Her myspace layout is not the most irritating, but it is pretty fucking close. I decided to pay a visit to her “professional” web site. It’s at blogspot, which was first clue that she’s not a pro. The ultra ugly background on the page as well as the fact that it would not display properly in IE were a couple more. Then there is the fact that she has posted four times since August 12th. Of course, being an amateur, I can post drivel after drivel all day long. I guess the quality of her posts makes up for doing one every ten days. Not.

Maybe I just have my Andy Rooney shirt on today or something, but just because you spend 18 hours a day sitting your fat ass in front of the computer, that DOES NOT MAKE YOU A PROFESSIONAL BLOGGER.

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