Dancing with the stars

Lisa found the lost video from our blogmeet in Helen last fall, and has posted it. I particularly admire the color choices that they made for their dancing clothes. Damn, that was so wrong it’s funny.

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31 throughts on "Dancing with the stars"

  1. I know – I love how you can see all the “costume changes” by clicking the elevator buttons, too. heh heh heh..

    I hope the payback isn’t too painful…
    (they ARE hot, though)

    PS – tell Holder I tried telling her that I was glad she had a great bday party but blogger comments were messed. I got some whacko bX-k1qqe3 error message. Tell her to go Haloscan, would ya?

  2. The Queen of Earmarks

    Podcast Show Notes
    Talking about Hillary’s questionable earmarks, including three that went to a minister that endorsed Hillary’s campaign.
    Then Wisconsin where the rights of Catholic Hospitals are being ignored in regards to emergency cont…

  3. Will MSM Give Hillary Same Treatment as Bush?

    Drudge is displaying a picture that has surfaced of Tony Rezko with the smiling Clintons, one on each side. This is important because Hillary Clinton mentioned Rezko in the last Democratic debate when she said to Senator Obama; “I was fighting …

  4. Hurricane proof house

    Discovery Channel has launched a new program Wednesday nights at 10 pm Eastern (9 Central) called SMASH LAB.
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  7. This is sad, sad situation. We passed a law in California (abortion central) that states if the mother CHOSE to keep the baby and someone killed the baby in the commission of a crime, he would be guilty of that murder also.
    And of course he would run to Mexico to escape the dealth penalty, so why are our borders still open??? It just does not make sense, and for that, no. I am not surprised. Leave NOTHING up to government. Send Dawg after him! 😉

  8. Hillary LOVES A Man In Uniform?

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  9. Tom Cruise on Scientology and Ah …. ah …. Wow …. Y

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  12. This Day In History — 1998

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  16. John McCain: Putting Mexico First?

    Podcast Show Notes
    What do we make of John McCain’s Hispanic Outreach director having a record as a proponent of open borders who served in Vicente Fox’s cabinet with the goal of insuring Mexican immigrants don’t “go native&#8…

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  18. Barack Obama, Kenya, his cousin Odinga and Islamic jihad

    I work with a young leftist who is on some committee or something raising funds for Obama. I didn’t get the chance to ask him what he thinks of Obama’s muslim past…but he came over to me and was showing me his personally-signed copy …

  19. former Thompson staffer; “Boycott Chuck Norris”

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  20. Genocide in Kenya. Does Obama know?

    Dear Friends,
    This is an article I wrote to the various world news papers hoping that they may publish it in an attempt to enlighten people about what is happening in Kenya and especially with the opposition leader who is trying to introduce genocide …

  21. The Obama/Israel factor: Is there a problem waiting to happen?

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    But charm only goes so far, and once that runs out, Obama do…

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    But Al is more.  He is now a political candidate, and as such, is it really a good thing to mock his potential constituents?  Like it or not, when …

  23. Campaiging on the left: A quick round up: Slumlords and much ado about Bill!

    I am a bit late on this, but I still find it cute. After Hillary slams Obama for working for a slumlord we find a picture of her and Bill:  with the same slumlord.
    Photo surfaces of Hillary Clinton and Tony Rezko
    A photo has sur…

  24. Ted Kennedy Endorces Barack Osama for the Presiden

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  25. Your Daily Political Post

    Investors Business Daily is wondering why we hear nothing from the presidential candidates about drilling for oil on American soil and off our own shores. Good question. (hat tip Steve T. at Internet Radio Network) Our dependence on foreign oil

  26. Rezko arrested this morning

    Antoin “Tony” Rezko was arrested at his Wilmette home this morning. (Sun-Times/AP)
    Interesting timing, isn’t it. Via the Suntimes “Judge revokes Rezko’s bond, sends fundraiser to jail”
    A businessman who has fundra…

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