Favorite Read Meme

Amy Jo over at The Bellclapper’s Garden is asking everyone to share what their favorite book when they were a kid or teenager. Pretty cool deal.

I have been reading since I was about four. By the time I was in the first grade I had already gotten well into the Hardy Boys series of books. Even though I now have many favorites that would come before them, I would have to say that any of them would be my all time favorite. I read them all probably fifteen times as a kid. When I moved out of the house as a teenager my parents traded them in at the trade-a-book place that used to be in Doraville and I really regretted losing them, so a few years back they somehow found most or all of them and gave the series to me for Christmas one year. My children don’t seem to enjoy them as much as I did, but they are also not quite as voracious readers as I was either.

My nine year old daughter was reading one of them the other day though, and I was very pleased to see her enjoying a book that is over 50 years old as much as I did.

I am not tagging anyone in this meme, if you want to participate in it that is cool. Just link to the main page of the site here and leave me a comment that you have participated and give us the link to come visit and I will also link to you from the body of the post.

Christine has her post up now.

Michelle has also joined in.

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