This is my Friday, thank goodness. I’ve worked about 60 hours over the last five days once you figure in the time I’ve also spent at every single shift change this week. I am not too particularly happy about that but it had to be done. Generally Sunday is my longest day of the week and when you add in the fact that I am also off tomorrow, I will be lucky if I only work 15 hours today.
I almost overslept, not getting up until five this morning (that’s late for me). I was going to spend some time writing something worthwhile this morning, but why mess up a perfectly good first thing in the morning bitch-fest with legibility and things that make sense?
I will have a bit of time tomorrow so want to catch up with writing about that trip along with a few other items as well. Maybe I will get to sleep in the next couple of days.
I still haven’t heard anything from my bosses about that district position coming open, but the new division manager is now aware that I want it, so I will just have to see how it goes this week. They may just transfer a guy back in who has been working in Alabama for the last couple of months. I lateral move means that they don’t have to offer it to the next person in the list and certainly wouldn’t be the first time I have seen them fill a position with a piece of crap, nor will it be the last.
I did finally break into the bottle of Maker’s Mark yesterday that Zonker brought over a couple of weeks ago. Damn good stuff actually. Had myself a few sips and immediately napped. Damn good stuff.
That’s about it for this morning. My brain is moving almost as slowly as my body today.
Hmmmm….were the little angels making the poor naked dollie the dino’s dinner? hahahaha…
Awww. Belated Father’s Day gifts?
I’m not sure if I was supposed to make dollie jam when I slammed my feet in my shoes at 5am or not.
… with that cast of characters, they are destined to become b-movie horror flick directors…
Attack of the dinobarbie. Roll the dice to see who gets eaten!!
Hi Richard, I read over on your other blog that you are doing a link exchange, but I accidentally closed the window before I could comment. Could you PM me from PPP? My username is table4five. Thanks!
Yep. I am heading into Atlanta in an hour or so, but will PM you in the morning.
You are up and ready to go when you get some time:
I think I’m going to put together something to get more people to subscribe to our RSS feeds this week as well. Just need to figure out how to dumb my idea down a bit so more people can understand it…lol
Cool, I’m all for the dumb ideas :>