After posting about Harvey and the new Harry Potter book I had to go over to Amazon and make sure that I had already pre-ordered it. I have, and it is to be released on July 21st. Definitely looking forward to it. This is the cover for the new book…
Yeah, I am a big Harry Potter fan. I am itching to know which one of the main characters bites the big one in this book as well…
Yep, had to go order mine. I thought I did long ago, guess not. I doubt I’ll be making the party this year, not with a four month old.
It is chilling how matter of fact he describes this. This confession was given as he was directing them to find the body. It makes me wonder why at some point she did not try to wack him over the head with something in his van as he appeared to have alot of crap and he claims she was not bound all the time. She was very brave nonetheless. I cannot imagine keeping someone alive for 3 days,taking care of their needs as he says and then killing them. Why did he keep her alive for 3 days. He knew by the 2nd that he was not going to get any cash from here. I think the more they dig into this guy they will find he has been out there for years doing this. He has more than 4 murders attached to him, it is obvious.
What is sad is that all people know of people like him in thier towns. The guy is sick beyond words and should have been of the street.