With the impending vacation it’s only appropriate that I come across this post sponsored by DialAFlight. DialAFlight has some pretty nice destinations at a reasonable price. As hot as it is I have been wanting to go someplace that is not quite as hot as it is here.
It’s pretty easy to book a flight and a great hotel and get away on one of their great New York weekend breaks. I’ve been to New York once but it has been quite some time. From what everyone I talk to says New York has cleaned up immensely and is once again becoming a very attractive vacation spot to visit.
This is a shot of Times Square. Man, it has changed a lot since I was there back in the eighties. At that point in time it was pretty nasty.
DialAFlight also has flights to Canada, which at this time of year is extremely beautiful. Much nicer than the 90 degree weather that I have been having. Talk about the dog days of summer. What we normally have as August temperatures moved in here last month and have yet to leave.
Above is an unknown lake (to me) and below is horseshoe falls, which is the biggest part of Niagara falls.
Although I said I want to go someplace cooler I will probably end up going to Hilton Head and be hot AND go to the beach. There area a couple of places I would like to eventually visit that are slightly warm right now and one is Johannesburg South Africa. Not quite among the coolest places around but I certainly wouldn’t give up a chance to go, no matter what time of year it is. Believe it or not there are fairly decent flights to Johannesburg. Johannesburg is the largest city in South Africa and is one of the 40 largest cities in the world.