This is just sick. I stopped over at MyBlogLog to see what my traffic had been today according to them and ran across a link to a site called
I am listing it here but I darn sure won’t actually deign to create a link to it. These chicks are 15-17 and basically being sold off. I understand that’s how it works in some cultures, but NOT HERE. Holy cow. I am a scumbag but I darn sure wouldn’t condone what amounts to child abuse and statutory rape.
That site is actually a joke, it’s not real at all.
It’s meant to be as disturbing as possible. Put a price on a daughter, sell her off to old men? If there really was such a site that was legit, do you really think it’d still be on line? The feds would have shut it down long ago.
Yeah, it’s gotta be. Certainly shook me there for a minute (obviously)
Now, this is a good idea
One of the big problems with today’s Congress is that they pass bills without ever reading them. Thousand-page bills are introduced and passed in one day, without most of the voters even seeing a page. Our Congresscritters and Solons are not do…