That one day off stuff has just kicked my tail. I am exhausted this morning. Both of my alarms were set for an hour ago and I just crawled out of bed long enough ago to start coffee. Yesterday was an extremely lazy day. I spent the morning writing, although not much, and making that video. The wife and girls got home from clothes shopping around noon and I ended up lying down for a nap at 1 and couldn’t wake up until 4pm or so. I slept much too long and ended up not getting back to sleep until midnight and that’s only because I took a Benadryl to knock myself out.
I had planned on writing quite a bit more but it just ended up working out that way. If I have time this afternoon I will write several entries and schedule them to be posted overnight. Right now my body is trying to tell me to go back to bed but my brain is saying “kill the moron”…Oh wait, that’s something else entirely.
All three of my managers are working today so unless a whole boatload of people don’t show up for work today I should manage to get home at a decent time this afternoon. I have to get by and check schedules and that sort of stuff this morning and then will most likely spend the morning cooking for one of them to ease payroll a bit.
I called the hotel in Beaufort last night just to confirm my reservations for Wednesday and they are still intact. I also wanted to make sure that it wouldn’t be a problem with late check-in and they said that was fine. With leaving Wednesday that won’t put me there until sometime around 9pm at the earliest and that’s if I can get the wife and girls out by 3pm. It will probably be even later than that unfortunately.