The Crucible

Man, that Luna moth this morning was cool. The photos were just taken with my phone and sent to Flickr. I think I have one more I need to email myself and then post later this afternoon.

Today was a pretty uneventful day at work. I cooked all day and then hit the door right at the end of the shift. All of my managers are in so they can take care of all the mundane day to day stuff while I sit on my ass here at home and blog for awhile 🙂

The wife is napping right now and I have the girls set up in the driveway selling lemonade to support my ugly beer habit. All is well in my world today. The boy should be finished/finishing with the Crucible right about now or possibly in the morning. I know that was a tough row to hoe for him but he’s tough. I am really looking forward to seeing him for the first time since June, later this week. We are driving up to Beaufort on Wednesday afternoon and will check in to the hotel that evening. Any of you guys on the coast want to get together for a beer or something on Thursday or Friday night give me a call or shoot me an email.

Back to the Crucible. The hardest part for him I am sure will be the ten mile hump they have to take at the end. He’ll probably want to sleep for two days straight when he leaves with us Friday afternoon.

Saturday I think we are going to spend the day on Hilton Head. This will probably be the last chance for us to see our friend Niqui before she and her kids move to Cyprus so I know the wife is looking forward to it.

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