Just received a tweet on my phone whilst taking a lovely dump and what fitting news to get while on the crapper. O.J. is going to have to stand trial for Conspiracy, Kidnapping, Robbery, Burglary, Coercion and assault with a deadly weapon.
Bwahaha. Couldn’t have happened to a better guy.
I can remember back when he was arrested for murder back in the ’90s. I was still BBSing at that point online, and doing the same thing at work as I am doing now. I used to chat with my buddy Nightfalcon, who I think is in Tallahassee or some place right now. Anyway, we would talk about OJ and I was sure that bastard was going to be convicted.
Things are a bit different in Vegas than they are in Los Angeles though, particularly in the demographics of the area. He has pled not guilty to 12 criminal counts, which if convicted could get him sent to prison for life. One can only hope…
Spitzer Backs Off Licenses For Illegals
Bowing to near universal opposition, New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer has decided to not pursue his plan to give drivers licenses to illegal aliens. Those not in the country legally will not be given an official government identification document and…
GOP’s Future Bright?
David Broder notes that the election of future president Bobby Jindal as governor of the state of Louisiana is part of a trend in statehouses across the South. With Jindal’s impressive victory, Republicans have established a phalanx of successful conse…
Teen With Brush Shot, Killed
Some folks are going to scream about this being an over this case, and argue that this was an overreaction. I’ll have to disagree. It looks like the cops behaved reasonably here. Officers received the 911 call from the teen’s…
Good Stuff Wednesday
From time to time (OK, about once a week…) I like to highlight posts from some of my favorite bloggers. Please click on the following links and express your opinion – if you’re so inclined…
Sorcerer Executed in Saudi Arabia
He turned me into a newt. An Egyptian man accused of practicing “sorcery” was executed in Saudi Arabia on Friday. The official Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported that evidence of witchcraft such as books on black magic, a candle with
Good Stuff Wednesday
From time to time (OK, about once a week…) I like to highlight posts from some of my favorite bloggers
Episode 1: New DNA #1
Here you see the first episode of Barb Gigamaster’s latest comic strip. I’m hoping this can be a weekly thing, but Bruce says I’m not allowed to interfere with her schoolwork. (I love the man, but sometimes his priorities…