Updated – The body of Emily Sander has been found.
Maybe not a ‘star’ but it looks as if she’s been in some movies and is all over the Internet. I was reading a couple of articles yesterday or the day before on missing Kansas college student Emily Sander, who may or may not be the victim of foul play. I was going to post a bit about it, as well as scumbags like Israel Mireles whom they are looking for in connection with the disappearance of Ms. Sander.
Why’s he a scumbag? How about the fact that he’s in his twenties and his girlfriend who they are also looking for is only sixteen. That tells volumes in itself.
There’s a new twist in the case though. Friends of Emily say she lived a double life and was known as Zoey Zane on the Internet. According to her friend Nikki Watson,
Police in El Dorado, where she was last seen, say that they are aware of the web site but would not confirm one way or the other if Emily Sander is Zoey Zane or whether the site was in any way connected with her disappearance.
Apparently she had told her parents over Thanksgiving about being involved in Pornography but nobody else knew except for her closest friends. It came as a surprise to the rest of her family. I suppose everyone that surfs the web knows now.
Damn sure looks like her to me but then again who the hell knows for sure. I guess she does, if she’s found. Police suspect foul play in her disappearance and there was apparently blood found in the hotel room where Mireles lived and worked.
On Tuesday, the owner of Bella Casa, the restaurant that employed Mireles, told KAKE News that on Saturday he saw what he thought was blood in the motel room where Mireles stayed. Joe Terziu says he’d been called by the manager of the El Dorado Motel over concerns of damage in the room.
Major Rick Kennedy said they are looking for a white bedspread with a floral pattern that could be connected to Emily’s disappearance. He displayed a photo of the bedspread – it will be available on line shortly. Police would not say whether the bedspread was from the motel.
Kennedy said they are searching the roadside of Hwy 54 to Ft Scott and Hwy 69 south to Baxter Springs for clues. They also ask the public in those areas to be on the lookout.
Authorities in Vernon, Texas located the 2007 Ford Taurus rental car that Mireles was believed to be using. Vernon is just south of the Oklahoma/Texas border on Hwy 283, northwest of Wichita Falls.
Terziu described Mireles as a hard worker who’d worked on and off for him for the last three years. He said Mireles lived in the motel room with Victoria Martens, the 16-year-old girl from Hays who is suspected of being with Mireles now. Police say they hope to talk to Mireles ASAP in order to determine where Emily is.
Terziu said that on Friday, he gave Mireles $600 after the 24-year-old told him that his grandmother had cancer.
During a news conference Monday afternoon, police say that they believe she was the victim of violence. Although they wouldn’t elaborate, they say evidence has led them to that belief.
Police don’t believe Emily is still with Mireles. Mireles and Martens have connections in Hays and Baxter Springs, as well as in Oklahoma and Texas. Emily also attended high school in Bandera, Texas – not far from San Antonio.
Emily Sander is 5′ 3″ and weighs 105 pounds. She has brown hair and blue eyes. If you have any information, please call El Dorado Police at 316-321-9120.
From what I can tell, this is Emily Sander’s MySpace page and I am assuming that the dude in the picture is the boyfriend that broke up with her due to her new line of work. According to a couple of other links I found this is Victoria Martens’ page, although if that is the case then she must be just about ready to pop.
This is a picture of the two suspects in the case.
Police are also interested in anyone in the vicinity of El Dorado along U.S. 54 to Fort Scott and U.S. 69 to Baxter Springs that may see or have seen a white bedspread with a floral design on it. It may be connected to the room where whatever altercation took place happened. Since they are looking for it I would have to assume that the hotel manager reported it as missing when the authorities searched the motel.
I did just come across this FOX News story, and according to it Emily Sander’s brother Jacob has confirmed that she is the girl pictured at ZoeyZane.com, which is apparently offline along with her blog and several other related sites. Not that I was looking for porn or anything 🙂 No, really…
Anyway, back to the subject at hand. Here is the AP video from a press conference held by authorities concerning her disappearance.
Police think that Mireles and his girlfriend may be headed for Mexico and want to catch him before he crosses the border. Being as how it’s been two days I would think that he’s long gone unless he stayed in this country. That brings another question to mind that I have not been able to find an answer to yet. Is Mireles a United States citizen? If not, is he here legally. If so, then that would explain his restaurant job and the rental car but if he’s here illegally then whatever asshole hired him in the first place needs to be charged with something since that would have made this entirely preventable.
I am not one of those people that automatically think that anyone of Latin descent must be here illegally but if the authorities think he is headed to Mexico they must have a darned good reason for it.

Autopsy Slated For Secret Porn Star
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