Weekend Open-Trackback

I meant to have this post up yesterday and somehow got sidetracked. Holding a linkfest is a great way to get new people to come check out your writing that may not have been to your site before. Link to your best writing or just to something that you would like everyone to read by sending a link back to this post and it will show up in the body of this post.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

The best way to do it is to use the form at Linkfest Haven but you don’t necessarily have to.

If you are interested in joining the open trackback alliance just head on over and check it out!.

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9 throughts on "Weekend Open-Trackback"

  1. Hillary Clinton Has Experience? Not!

    Normally I don’t post much concerning politics because politics tends to disgust me and aggravate me to no end. However the following was sent to me in email and I felt it was something worthy to include on this blog. I don’t know who the author is…

  2. Humor Sunday-Hello Kitty And Rules For Women

    (Trackposted up top cause of the fold to Outside the Beltway, The Virtuous Republic, Blog @ MoreWhat.com, Is It Just Me?, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Right Truth, Adam’s Blog, Shadowscope, Stuck On Stupid, Phastidio.net, Cao’s Blog, Big Dog&…

  3. One Year Ago: Saddam Hussein Hanged

    From LAT:BAGHDAD — Small groups of mourners gathered today at Saddam Hussein’s tomb to lay flowers and recite the Koran in honor of the ousted dictator who was hanged a year ago.Security force…

  4. Pack It In, Saints Fans — The Season’s Over

    We members of the “Who Dat Nation” are back in familiar territory: saying “wait’ll next year” which is an oft-repeated mantra at the end of the NFL season. The Saints lost their final game of the regular season 33-25 to the Chicago Bears. The…

  5. News from Radio Free Asia.
    I have a few articles for you today that should be brought to the attention of the world outside of China. The fight for civil rights is alive and well in China, but we hear little of this. It truly is a fight, because people are imprisoned when …

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