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Republicans for Obama??? Sure . . .
. . .“Obama is a leap of faith. But what politician isn’t? When I think of my children and the sort of world I want them to inherit, I am willing to set aside economic self-interest and some differences of opinion in the service of unity and the hope…
Obama Talks Out Of Both Sides Of Mouth On Guns
Obama is talking Second Amendment. At first he sounds really good. Obama said he spoke to Northern Illinois University’s president Friday morning by phone and offered whatever help his Senate office could provide in the investigation and improving camp…
Left and Right in American Politics
As others have said many times, Left and Right are not American political distinctions. They are transplants from Europe, from the division of the post-Revolutionary French National Assembly of 1789. In the chamber of the Assembly, the nobles sat on th…
Weekend Open Trackbacks
To celebrate my new blog layout this weekend you can post a trackback or leave a comment. My blog now features front page side bar comments so feel free to comment on any topic. Trackbacks are a good way to increase your technorati and Truth Laid Bea…
Excitable Andy Falls For The Straw Man
Two words: crazy insane (people who’ve seen Weird Science know what I’m talkin’ ’bout!). Excitable Andy discussed The Ignorance of the Right in discussing B. Hussein and his lack of substance. First, he starts in on Victor David…
Still Avoiding Current Events…
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