Wordless Wednesday




Lily Pads

17 throughts on "Wordless Wednesday"

  1. I knew Sarah from RHA last year, and this really was the last thing I expected her to do. She seemed to always have her head on straight, but I guess people never stop surprising. I am still in shock over this. Wow.

  2. I knew sarah growing up…. we went to the same church. I can’t believe she did this. I really can’t. I feel bad for her family. They’re good people.

  3. This girl is a piece of human garbage… and all of the liberals will line up to figure out how such a wonderful caring girl could do this horrible act. It is a shame that Arizona could not execute her for this… she is a sociopath that needs to be sterilized with a rusty hook (just prior to being killed). This is what happens when you devalue life and allow babies to be vacuumed into sinks to prevent the embarrassment of girls who cannot keep their legs together.

  4. honestly. i think everyone should stop this. i understand she screwed up big time. but iv known her for a long time, and she was the nicest, most caring person i ever knew, and she had a good head on her shoulders. i would have never expected this from her, and i honestly, think thats why she did it, it was so out of character, she didnt want anyone to know, she def handled it the wrong way and screwed up big time, but i think all of you can stop trashing her, cause i can’t imagine what her and her family are going through now, but i am close with them and i know its hard enough without all of you trashing them!

  5. honestly. i think everyone should stop this. i understand she screwed up big time. but iv known her for a long time, and she was the nicest, most caring person i ever knew, and she had a good head on her shoulders. i would have never expected this from her, and i honestly, think thats why she did it, it was so out of character, she didnt want anyone to know, she def handled it the wrong way and screwed up big time, but i think all of you can stop trashing her, cause i can’t imagine what her and her family are going through now, but i am close with them and i know its hard enough without all of you trashing them!

  6. In cases like this (and also where a woman chooses to have an abortion), my thought is always this:
    Why did she feel she had to do this? Where are the people to whom she could have turned to for help? Society tells women they can do and achieve whatever they want. BUT…in situations like this, it is obviously beyond what Ms Tatum thought she could handle. Wasn’t there anyone who noticed the pregnancy? Anyone with whom she could have confided? She obviously felt very, very alone. The school’s quick reaction in ‘erasing’ her achievements shows very little support. No, they’re not responsible for her choices, but do they actively reach out with any programs to help girls in need like this?

  7. ok, she was a huge bi#$% and i can totally see that crazy whore doing that to her own kid. shes a crazy piece of white trash and deserves to rot in jail. if your friends with her than your a piece of sh$% too

  8. Wow. I understand every ones anger at her actions, but she was obviously mentally ill and scared of the consequences. She should have gotten an abortion or given the kid up for adoption, but perhaps her religion made her feel too guilty about the pregnancy to admit it to her friends and family. Maybe that drove her to think that she had to hide it by killing the baby. I know of many, many cases where girls who are raised in religious households do this kind of thing. It’s just another testament to our countries puritanical standards and lack of sexual education. Really we should be partially blaming our society.

  9. Katrina Stone | March 2, 2009 10:41 PM | Reply | Quote
    Wow. I understand every ones anger at her actions, but she was obviously mentally ill and scared of the consequences. She should have gotten an abortion or given the kid up for adoption, but perhaps her religion made her feel too guilty about the pregnancy to admit it to her friends and family. Maybe that drove her to think that she had to hide it by killing the baby. I know of many, many cases where girls who are raised in religious households do this kind of thing. It’s just another testament to our countries puritanical standards and lack of sexual education. Really we should be partially blaming our society.
    -No, we should blame religion.

  10. Oddly enough, when a woman chooses NOT to get an abortion, the conservatives (see pontificator’s post) still feel the need to take cheap shots at “liberals.” As if there were liberals on campus forcing this girl to NOT get an abortion but to place her baby in a plastic bag for 2 hours instead. *rolling eyes*
    This young woman most likely grew up in a household where she was afraid her parents didn’t love her unconditionally. Rather than risk their rejection & to risk her education, she chose to ignore her pregnancy and as a last resort she simply tried to erase all evidence of her ‘mistake.’
    Hopefully the baby will survive & she won’t be tried for his death. And hopefully, her parents are standing by her & will get her the help she so desperately needs.

  11. i dated sarah when she was a freshmen for about 8 months. and i never ever wouldve thought of her ever pulling something off like this. it doesnt sound like something she would do. i only hope now is that the baby is ok.

  12. The buzz around campus is that this was completely out of character for this girl. Before judging her maybe you should ask yourself what would have made her feel that desperate to ignore a pregancy then try to dispose of her infant? This girl could have been raped or it could be a cause of incest. We know she had options abortion, adoption but she didn’t feel she had them. I know it’s a horrific incident but dont judge her I’m not defending her, but she obviously has some deep seeded issues and needs help.

  13. If you don’t know her, you have no right to speak of her. I cannot condone what she did, but being a long time friend of hers I can say for certain that the must have been some extreme sircumstances which we are not aware of. She was an amazing girl and had a great life a head of her. What happened was a tradgedy and a horror, but if you never knew her, ill kill you for speaking ill.

  14. You know..If she was so caring and loving like all of you that “Know” her say she is… then she wouldnt have done what she did to her son..Now I believe everyone has the chance to explain themselves, but she lied the first damn time by saying she lost the baby in the shower and how did she miscarry whenever the baby was still alive when cops arrived..Honestly that was her big screw up right there… A caring and loving person would have taken this as a blessing and done the right thing for the child..for god sakes if she didnt want him all she had to do was drop him off at the hospital…thank god someone got there to save the baby..and I believe shes where she needs to be..All baby murderers can go to hell..

  15. I didn’t know her, but it’s an article I came across. Anyway, I don’t see why she should have been charged with first-degree murder. Furthermore, she was under the idea that it was a miscarriage? How so? That issue wasn’t further discussed? Maybe the baby was partially brain-dead? Maybe the hospitals were so conservative they kept a zombie alive just to charge her with first-degree murder? Some issues seem to be missing from this article, and I’d like an explanation. I probably won’t see this issue ever again, but I do not think justice occured with this woman. I do not think justice occured with the child. But I think there could have been a better verdict than first-degree murder, especially when the child is still alive.

  16. I’m not sure where you heard that Sarah Tatum was charged with murder because that is not the case.
    She is supposed to be standing trial for Child Abuse and Attempted Murder in May of 2010.

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