Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst

I have this week’s up a bit early. They released it a couple of days ago to coincide with May Day…
Our weekly video podcast/vlog on illegal immigration and border security issues. In this weeks edition…
May Day 2008: Chicago!
Our coverage of the third annual Pro-amnesty tantrum here in Chicago. This is the official blogburst for the week, we plan on taking the weekend off and enjoying the heck out of it!

Our other May Day coverage:
When Socialists Attack!
May Day or Che Day? You Decide.
Chicago May Day March: A Pictorial

This has been the Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst. The Blogs For Borders
Blogroll is dedicated to American sovereignty, border security and a
sane immigration policy. If you’d like to join find out how right here
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Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

Trackposted to Rosemary’s Thoughts, third world county, Faultline USA, Nuke Gingrich, McCain Blogs, 123beta, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Cao’s Blog, , Democrat=Socialist, , Right Voices, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

6 throughts on "Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst"

  1. Palestinian Terrorists Collide Head On With Concrete Barrier

    Of course, that is not the New York Times headline, which is actually “Israel’s Tactics Thwart Attacks, With Trade-Off“
    NETANYA, Israel — Suicide bombings in Israel have dropped off so significantly that the nation’s security official…


    THE BASIS FOR A STRONG NATION By R.J. Godlewski © May 3, 2008, All Rights Reserved 10. FOREIGN RELATIONS (THANK GOD I’M NOT RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT) There’s an old saying that God created families so that people would learn to

  3. 58% Think Obama Denouced Wright to save face

    Hat tip, Hot Air.Most people aren’t buying it. The plausibility of knowing Rev Wright for twenty years, attending his church, and even featuring some of his sermons in his book, but not knowing Wright’s beliefs, is not selling. A Rasmussen

  4. How to Identify Phishing: “IRS” Case Study

    Thank god I have experience with computers. You see, I got this in my email this afternoon: And no, my spam trap didn’t catch it! Sure looks legit, doesn’t it? Says it’s from, has an official looking banner… But

  5. Talon: The Eagles Up blog

    We opened last Monday, and we did very well. This is just a little reminder to keep up the great work, keep visiting us (because we really do appreciate it), and spread the word about our opening

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