So my thermostat crapped out yesterday after 16 years. Luckily it’s the time of year where it’s not a humongous deal. Picked up a Zwave thermostat on sale at Home Depot, which is awesome.
Putting the damned thing in proved to be a trick. Only four wires in the thermostat but the one I got (and most modern thermostats it turns out) require a C wire (common ground.) It won’t power up without that bad boy. I ended up having to get a wire adapter thingy overnighted from Amazon just so I could hook the damn thing up.
It actually wasn’t too difficult fortunately. Got the thermostat wired up and placed on the wall and then had to tackle switching a couple of wires on the control board in the basement. All in all it took maybe 30-40 minutes. Then the fun started.
Somehow my router and homeseer server had turned off in the process which was weird as shit as I didn’t touch the breakers they are on. Once I had everything back online pairing the Honeywell to Homeseer was a cinch. Control from my HA page as you can see from the below pic.

Since I’m using Homeseer’s Amazon Alexa api for voice control that seems to be working ok. Still have some work to do on that though. It’s cool but not something I use all the time anyway. What’s nice is that I can set up heating/cooling schedules on my HA server (in addition to the thermostat itself) or just have it completely cut off during nice weather if I want.
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