New Additions to the BBS

Originally I wasn’t going to have any file areas. I changed my mind and while I don’t have the menu complete I have started adding file areas. I also put in a couple more local doors now we are up to LORD, Usurper, Falcon’s Eye, BRE, Global Wars and Darkness. I intend on going interBBS…Read more

EleBBS and FidoNet

So I finally managed to get EleBBS working together with Fastecho and Radius! Very happy about it. Synchronet seems pretty cool and I’ll continue playing with it in a VM but my “production” board will continue to be ELE. I will eventually post my setup for anyone who is interested. Not that there are more…Read more

How to Set Up SBBS for Fidonet

After doing a lot of hunting I finally came across this guide and am putting it here for posterity. I did switch from Argus to Radius (an Argus Clone) and went through this guide exactly as spelled out and it’s working perfectly. Waiting now for a message back from the NC with a node number….Read more

How to Set up Lord With SBBS

The directions over at the SBBS wiki didn’t seem to work for me so I did some hunting and found the following instructions which allowed it to work using Netfoss: Synchronet BBS 3.1x USAGE Synchronet already has its own FOSSIL support, but using NetFoss in place of the internal FOSSIL can allow DOS doors to…Read more

Setup Tutorial For Argus

I mentioned yesterday that I needed a bit of help setting some things up. I still do but as I’ve searched I’ve found a wealth of information out there. Unfortunately there seems to be less and less as time goes by so I am going to try and repost some of it here and save…Read more

BBS Help Needed

So as I mentioned in an earlier post, the BBS is back online. You can access it through the links above and to the right OR via telnet at I am in the process of trying to get netmail back up and running in addition to echomail but seem to be having problems. Right…Read more

BBS Update

I mentioned last week that I was going to put my Electronic Bulletin Board System (BBS) back online and I have done so. BBSes are old school, how we connected to each other BEFORE the web. Back in the day I ran a dial in system but today it’s telnet only. There are TWO ways…Read more


I mentioned something in my post the other day about how this web site got started as an electronic bulletin board system and started getting all sentimental so I am in the process of setting up a telnet/web bbs site. LOL. It’ll take me a few days but I’ll have it online, door games and…Read more


   Took down the web portion of the BBS. I will replace it with phpBB to use for my forums. I have started work on the BBS itself. It is available via telnet at When I took the board down…


Due to popular demand (that of myself), I have put the BBS back online. I have not completely finished configuring it, so I am sure there are plenty of bugs. You can access it through the link at the top,…