
Rest In Peace Jerry Reed

That good old boy Jerry Reed has died from complications from emphysema at the age of 71. Anyone whoe gre up in the seventies will remember Reed from Smokey and the Bandit as well as other films later on. He and Kris Kristofferson sort of paved the way for country music stars to get into Hollywood.

I was about 11 when Smokey and the Bandit came out I loved that damn movie. Of course Burt Reynolds was the coolest to an eleven year old but old Jerry, he sure could sing. Plus he’s an Atlanta boy. There’s not too many of us born and bred her that are still around.

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Stephen King’s “N.”

I am a pretty big horror fan and Stephen King is one of my favorites. I received the link to the animated episodes of “N” based on the short story which will be released in November in a new collection. A new episode is being released each day (a total of 25 ) so check back here through August 29th for more. You have to have Flash enabled in your browser to watch it.

You can also check them out at

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…and now for something REALLY nasty



Check out this video…

Hope you haven’t eaten yet.

Think that was bad? How about this exercise routine…


I hope you haven’t eaten lately.

Apparently I had just enough Absinthe to leave a slight buzzing in my head. I am also not the only sick fucker around either. I found both of these videos over at My Blog Rules Your Ass! I think I’m gonna have to add this one to the blogroll. This guy’s gotta come to a blogmeet and have a few….

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A Macabre Weekend…

I’m running short on time this morning but wanted to get a post up prior to going to work. I mentioned a little while earlier that I had a pretty busy weekend. It wasn’t so much busy as it was just staying away from the computer and doing other stuff.

I posted a bit about the barbecue Thursday night. We actually got to bed at a decent time, prior to midnight, so I didn’t sleep to terribly late on Friday. Originally I was going to take Pete to Six Flags but decided to save that trip for another day since the wife had to leave somewhat early to go see the Braves play. The girls made sure to watch and look for her on TV πŸ™‚ There was actually a reasonable chance since they were sitting behind home plate. On at least two occasions they would run in and tell me they saw their mom. Who knows, maybe they did…

Prior to the evening though we took the girls to the movies. Going to the movie theater just isn’t something that’s a high priority on my list. It is prohibitively expensive and between tickets, drinks and snacks you can just about go to the fucking amusement park. There are maybe one or two movies a year that I am willing to spend money on. The rest of the time there’s Netflix. I would rather wait for the DVD release than waste money at the theater. That having been said, Pete and I went to see the Dark Knight and the wife took RePete to see Space Chimps. I think that I most likely got the better end of the deal on that one…

Saturday I worked briefly in the yard and then just hung with the wife. We sat down and watched Sweeney Todd on DVD and then the Sixth Sense on cable. Talk about creepy movie weekend…I was pleasantly surprised at Sweeney Todd. Not that I would like a musical, I knew that. It was more the fact that Johnny Depp and musical just don’t go together. Pretty good movie though…

Yesterday I spend planting some more trees and stuff and then basically did nothing. I intended to at least write a bit but don’t think I managed to accomplish a damn thing. Should have gone to the gym after work. I do plan on going today though. My store manager in Temple is on vacation for the next ten days and that’s pretty much where I’ll be living for the next week and a half. Another week with one day off. What a pisser. It will give me the chance to go work out in the afternoons though since the gym is right behind my restaurant.

Hopefully I will have something interesting to post for Odd Shots Monday before the day is out. I always carry my camera so there is no telling what will come up…

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The Dark Knight

Originally I was thinking about taking the eldest daughter to Six Flags today but the wife has to leave fairly early to go see the Braves play tonight. Maybe we will go on my day off next week.

I think that she and I are going to see the new Batman movie today. I’ll have to post a review of it once I get home. Love’s me some Batman…

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Silly Sunday

African elephant

Image via Wikipedia

I absolutely dislike my grandma Trish. Occasionally she is really crazy, then last week she just disturbed me… I begged her guidance thinking about literature on the African subcontinent, but then she was all:

Get out! I am so sick of hearing about the African subcontinent all the time!

At first I interrupted “WHOA!” then the next day I just ran away all of a sudden. After all, she *is* my grandma and I need to make this work…

Link of the day: Business Proposal | Randomly generated by Flooble Instant Blog Post Generator

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Silly Sunday

I very much dislike my nephew Junior. At times he is really difficult to handle, but then last week he just disturbed me… I could really use his help talking to someone about luck on the African subcontinent, but then he began yelling:

No kidding?! I love the African subcontinent so much!

At first I started bitching “NO WAY!” and then this morning I just ran away all of a sudden. After all, he *is* my nephew and he wants what is best for me…

Link of the day: Business Proposal | Randomly generated by Flooble Instant Blog Post Generator

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Say What?

I am in a terrible mood this afternoon. Not just a bad mood, but an extremely ugly mood. Pissed off at the world. The kind of mood that makes you want to snatch someone’s scrotum out and shove it down their throat. Or just write about it.

That kind of ugly mood.

There doesn’t seem to be any particular reason for it, although there were a couple of minor things that set me off. Nothing I am going to go into though.

No, I prefer to sit here and revel in my pissed off at the world mood and imagine beating someone’s head in with a bat. Preferably someone that’s not much use to society. Like politicians or the IRS. Speaking of the IRS, they can just suck my left nut. Just the left one though. I wouldn’t want them to get too much enjoyment out of it and they’ve already sucked the blood of the rest of everything anyway.

So what do you do to get out of your bad mood?

So I’m not in quite such a foul mood anymore. Not overtly angry anyway. I made myself a pot of coffee and stepped outside for a smoke. I am still not my overly chipper (yeah right!) self at the moment but I don’t feel like strangling puppies anymore.

While I was outside my neighbor across the street was also outside. He’s not allowed to smoke inside either I guess. They are pretty cool. They also happen to be the only one’s right around here that I know. We aren’t getting together on the weekends and barbecuing but we speak when we are outside. It’s more a matter of timing than anything as far as doing anything. They came over for one of our parties last year and this last one I think I just didn’t run into them to invite them. Nobody has lived in the house next to us for over nine months now and the one on the other side that our friends moved out of, the Addams Family just moved in yesterday. We are friends with a few families in the subdivision and our kids play together, but I really don’t know my neighbors well.

That’s not a good thing and I think it’s indicative of our society as a whole. We don’t have neighbors anymore, just people we wave too. People are so transient, not working in their communities, moving constantly. I don’t feel like that’s a good thing. Something’s missing.

Crap, now I’m getting all taciturn. Fuck this, I’ve got other stuff to do.

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Oldies But Goodies…

One of the things I inherited from my father is a love for 50’s and 60’s rock and roll. Everything from the Everly Brothers and Buddy Holly to the Animals and the Zombies. The wife tunes out most of it, disliking anything prior to the ’70s but she puts up with it.

After having read Eric’s entry about Winston I dropped by his site and read the last post by roomie with a tear in my eye. I had never been to Winston’s site and now I am sad because of that fact.

I came across this little gem from the Everly Brothers over there and knew I had to post it for your amusement.

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June 1st: Hollywood Studios

More Disney photos. Just what you wanted on a Monday afternoon…


Sunday we decided to go to Hollywood Studios. First we had to have breakfast. I had made reservations for the Ohana Friends breakfast there at the Polynesian Resort. It’s ‘family style’ which is sort of like a buffet all you can eat, except that they bring it to the table for you. It’s also a character breakfast. While we ate, several of them stopped by so the girls could get their autographs and pictures taken with them.

Lilo and the girls

Mickey and the Girls

Mickey and the Family

Stitch and the Girls

During our first visit as a family to Disney back in 2005 we seemed to run into Stitch several times. He was inside a remote control trash can that Pete got into an argument with. It was one of those ‘had to be there’ moments but it was pretty damned funny.

So do you think they were happy to be there?

Happy Girls

Clearly I had not had enough coffee. Damn, and I need some of that hair die for men as well. I didn’t realize just how gray I was getting. That’s fucked up for someone as young as I am to be going gray already.

Need more coffee...

I was going to post more about the day but that’s enough photos. I will post about Hollywood Studios tomorrow.

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