Hollywood Studios

More Disney Action…

I haven’t posted anything else about our trip to Disney since around the beginning of July so I thought it a good time to put up some more pictures from the trip.

The last time I was talking about it I had gotten to our day at Hollywood Studios.

We had to drag the kids to see the Lights, Motors, Action! show. It was pretty hot that day and neither of them seemed to want to see it but once we got there they enjoyed it.

This is the set from Lights, Motors, Action!

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One of the favorite things for the kids on both of our trips to Hollywood Studios (formerly MGM Studios) is to play in the “Honey I shrunk the Kids” area. They always have a blast and it’s nice to get into the shade after walking around the park for a while.

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We didn’t spend the entire day at Hollywood Studios as we had dinner reservations somewhere at the Magic Kingdom I believe. So we rode the bus back to our resort and then caught the boat over to the Magic Kingdom.

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I honestly can’t remember where we ate that night. I don’t have any pictures so it must not have been one of the character meals. I do remember that we stayed awhile and since it was open late that night RePete and I caught the boat back to the hotel while Pete and the wife stayed past midnight. We were already getting toward the end of the trip and by that time it had kicked my ass good. We went to Epcot the next day. I had never been to Epcot before and I really enjoyed it. The next time it’s just the wife and I we are definitely going back.

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Hollywood Studios Part Deux

So after breakfast we caught the bus to Hollywood Studios. The last time we went I don’t think we enjoyed it quite as much as we did this time. The split up more this time. It was almost like two vacations. That way we could do things that each of the girls enjoyed without cramping the other’s style.

Most of the design in Hollywood Studios is modeled after the ’40s and ’50s. The heyday of Hollywood. This old truck sits just inside the gate.

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Sometimes they just have to put up with me wanting to take pictures. Considering how shitty my memory is, photos ARE my memories.

The obligatory Mickey hat photo…

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One thing that was really funny was that when we got to the area where the kids get to meet Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable Pete had no interest whatsoever but RePete wanted her picture taken. What happens when they get there? Just the opposite. Repete wouldn’t go near them. I think she was expecting cartoon people to come out because when she saw them she hid behind me 🙂

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I’m pretty beat, so I will be sure to post more photos tomorrow…

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