I feel like I just took one up the butt

Procrastination is my middle name. Well, actually it’s Harrison but that’s Latin or Greek for Tomorrow. or Something like that. Anyway, the point is I stayed up late and finished my taxes last night. Nothing like waiting until the last minute, eh?

I probably would have filed an extension first but dammit that rebate will be needed now. I only owe the State of Georgia a little over $200. Heck, that’s a little less than I paid them last year. I had to pay them $281 last year. I also made $32,000 more this year. Fucking weird. Too bad that’s only about 10% of what I owe the federal government. I feel like someone just stuck a big dildo up my ass with the words Internal Revenue Service written on the side of it. Yeah, that long. $2232. After my $1800 rebate I end up only owing a little over $400, which is right around where I prefer to keep it anyway. Christ, $2200 used to be about 11 weeks pay back when I started with my company. 11 fucking weeks! Hey, I think I just heard a truck drive up there. Didja hear that?

Tax Rebate – Money you earned that the government took forcefully that you should feel good about getting back from them in a case of largess.

I think I want to throw up now. Too bad they won’t let me apply the rebate toward my tax payments. That would be cool. But, no. They want me to spend it and help the economy. I’ll spend it alright. On the bills that I won’t be able to pay when I write them a $2200 check later this afternoon. Bwahaha.

Actually the check may be a few days later. I need to wait until the last day of the month before I send it in. Wonder if they will take a post-dated check…

So things aren’t going to be any less stressful around the Miles casa the rest of the month. If I can quit losing so much damned money out of one of my stores perhaps I can recoup some of it before summer vacation gets here.

You know what really sucks about this whole thing? I took an 85% increase in pay, maybe close to 80, but now that I have sent in a new W-4 to take more out of my pay in conjunction with the fact that I have doubled my retirement deductions I will be bringing home the same or less than I was as a store manager. That’s fucked up.

Tax Day! Time for your once a year reaming at the hands of an overgrown government bureaucracy. And do you think all of the rhetoric from Shrillary and Obama is for real? Fuck no, they don’t care. They say they care but just like George Bush, Ted Kennedy and all the rest of the assholes on both sides of the aisle, they think that it’s a drop in the bucket for the sacrifices they make to ‘serve’ the American public. Now I really want to puke. Fucking assholes.

The IRS owns me…

I worked out again for the fifth day in a row. Although it burned a bit I am starting to have a much easier time of it than I was the first day or two. In a few more days I am going to add the elliptical or treadmill to it as well, at least for 20 minutes or so.

I also checked out the tanning bed as well. That was just weird. I’ve never used a tanning bed and for the most part have considered it pretty stupid. If you want a tan go hang in the sun. I tan very easily but the problem is that I get the one-armed tan from driving so much, or the farmer’s tan when I am working in the yard. It’s not as if I am going to cut the yard in my speedos, although I wouldn’t mind checking out some of my neighbors cutting grass in their lingerie. SOME of them, mind you. The others just need to keep their pants on. Anyhow, I lay in the tanning bed for seven minutes. The dude didn’t want me to stay in any longer since I had never used one. I felt like I was getting in an oven and except for the loud buzzing I probably could have taken a nap. I guess you get used to the sound because at least once or twice a year one of my waitresses comes in burned to a crisp because they fell asleep. The ones at the gym I go to are on a timer, I guess that maybe all of them aren’t or something.

Anyhow, a couple of the guys up there use the tanning bed after they work out, so I didn’t feel so self-conscious about it anymore. Besides, with quitting smoking and working out I have to have something to kill me. Skin cancer is as good as anything 🙂

Speaking of smoking, I’ve now gone about 26 hours without one. I know I have been working on it for a couple of months now, but this is the first time I have gone over an entire day without a cigarette. Darn hard too. I an a bit snappy tonight, so am just keeping to myself. I have a bunch of stuff to write about anyway and if I finish that I need to work on taxes.

I am not looking forward to filing this year. I don’t know how much but I will end up owing probably several thousand. I though about filing an extension, but the only people that are going to be receiving the rebates are the ones that file. If anything I can file and then work out a payment plan with the IRS. I took about a $20k increase in pay myself this year, not counting the $10k I made online, and none of it taxed. Hopefully with working out of the house more some of my office expenses will cover a bit of it. I think maybe I should move my office back down into the basement. The back room is a MUCH larger area than I have set up right now, and thus the percentage that I can claim of the utilities and mortgage is more. I hate taxes. The IRS is going to own my last month’s pay for this year on top of what they already keep. I wish that our politicians would take things seriously and fix the darned tax system.

Rudy Giuliani Supports Drug Dealers…

We already know from his record as Mayor of New York that he supports illegal aliens, why should I be surprised at that?

I don’t get to RedState very often. Like the seriously left wing sites such as KOS 90% of the stuff there is bullshit and extremely one-sided. I can judge the issues for myself without having it spoon fed to me like most of the extremely political sites like to do. Just watch. 90% of the people that hang out on a regular basis at Daily KOS, Redstate or Michelle Malkin‘s site for instance will just regurgitate verbatim what they have read and hear without bothering to listen to opposing arguments. That’s cool, but arguing with those people is useless and pointless.

Anyway, the article I came across wasn’t even about Rudy Giuliani. It was really just a short blurb stating the fact that the Flat Tax has four sponsors in congress, whereas the Fairtax has 57. That makes sense to me because the Fairtax taxes everyone including illegal income generated by drug dealers, criminals, and illegal aliens. The Flat Tax only taxes those that are already paying taxes which includes none of the above.

What I found more interesting that the article itself is the comments. They are very polarized on the issue but there are some really good points made. Go check them out and if you are sick of paying taxes visit as well.

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