In Shelbyville, Tennessee more than half of the plant workers are Muslims. That in itself is no big issue. Other than the fact that they worship a religion that specifically tells them to enslave and kill unbelievers it’s just another crappy religion. The problem lies in the fact that the Union negotiated into their newest…Read more
Mormons and Tigers and Bears, Oh My…
I was reading this article over at CNN earlier and was just revolted. Sara Hammon makes a point in her interview with CNN that Warren Jeffs is just a fall guy and that someone else will always be there to take his place and that is very true. I don’t really have a problem with…Read more
How Do We Know Christians Are Delusional?
Delusion – A fixed false belief that is resistant to reason or confrontation with actual fact. I came across this site (and the above video) last night and found it pretty interesting. The narrator is like one of those phys ed movies from the fifties that we had to watch in the 70’s. They certainly…Read more
Angry With God
When I read about this story the first person I thought of in St Augustine was Velociman but this asshat is 23. Then I realized that it was a Catholic Church that he ran into with his Ford F-150 and all was well with the world.