Hilton Head

Stephanie and the girls got home yesterday afternoon. They took a few pictures. I like this one.

Hilton Head 7-12-2006 025.JPG

There is a pretty cool playground in Harbour Town that we have taken the kids to several times. I think that they took this one there.

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15 throughts on "Hilton Head"

  1. I remember Hilton Head when I was a teenager. We use to drive cars on the beach and there were only a few house on the island. They were selling land, on the water, for 5,000, now they sell for millions. I still love HH cause it is only about 40 miles from Savannah GA.

  2. Even Bluffton is getting pretty expensive. The only thing I hate about going in the summer is the damned traffic. I prefer going in the winter. We spent one new years there, it was pretty cool. My wife’s friend Niqui has a house in Bluffton that we go stay at a few times a year.

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  13. WOW i was friends with her when i was like 11…… whatever she was a dumb bitch back then and she still is haha…. i heard that shes a tweaker and from the look of that methface the rumors are true! she should have just had an abortion and spared this poor baby from the fucked up life shes probably going to live. i hope that whoever is caring for the baby now is a responsible mature adult but if the baby is in the custody of the father, which ive heard, that cant be much better. i mean come on he had a baby with a dumb white trash piece of shit so hes probably the same way. good god what a fucked up world we live in.

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