February 2007

Small Miracles

When Pete was born in October of 1997 it was a real shocker. Not that she was born, but all that we had to go through. We had gone in to the doctor’s office to get the wife an ultrasound, and they noticed some weird stuff on it, so wanted us to go down to…Read more

I am Just Ill Today…

…but not physically. I have been in a horrible mood all day long, as my waitresses figured out pretty quickly. I generally treat everyone the same way no matter the mood, but I am always much quieter, and at one point I snapped at one of them after she had done something stupid. The wife…Read more

Sleeping In…

…One can only wish. I don’t know what it is but I have had the hardest time getting out of bed the last two mornings. I feel like I just went to bed a couple of hours ago, which is far from the truth. I suppose it could be worse. I could actually have had…Read more

The killer awoke…

His thoughts were scattered and he struggled to get them under control. Control was the order of the day and the only way he could manage to navigate around the inferiors that scurried around and made his life miserable. Sleep was the only escape from them; the sleep of the dead. He did not dream,…Read more

Spam Post #482,567

What’s up with the spam? It goes through periods of time where I am receiving one thing, and then another. I just deleted about 50 emails that were “returned” from other servers for contain ‘viruses’. I have seen these before. Usually it will last for a week or so, then go to something else. I…Read more

Shutdown Day!

I ran across this on someone’s blog first thing this morning, and I cannot remember where. If you had it posted, leave me a comment and I will put your link here. What can I say, sometimes I’m a dumbass. Memory’s the second thing to go, so they say. I can’t remember what the first…Read more

Not too bad of a day for a Saturday…

Just got home from work. I ended up having a little bit of help today, so it was a short one for me, which is always nice. The boy is going to play paint-ball and the wife is napping, with Pete at the ballfields, so it is just RePete and myself. Once I have posted…Read more

Monitoring the Kids Online

One thing I set up when the Boy was first starting to get online was a watchdog program so that I could monitor his Internet usage. There are just too many pedophiles and other bad folks out there not to, not to mention the fact that just going to his game sites he can pretty…Read more

PHP Code

Just woke up from my nap. I managed to get about an hour between phone calls and Pete getting home and asking if she could go out and play. My wife calls the girls Pete and RePete, and I am tired of calling them “the oldest girl” so am adopting it. RePete is still sleep,…Read more

Political Correctness Ticks Me Off…

Eric Stoller asks “When did “light-hearted” become marketing speak for “racist caricature”?” I want to know, when did respecting other people for their differences and working and living well together become such a big deal that we have to watch every word and motion for fear that it will offend someone? I ran across this…Read more