I know one thing…

…and that is a lot of folks at the stores are going to be doing some serious hating on me next week. Not a fucking one was in uniform in either of the two stores that I went into today and I am sure that the other one is just as bad. The first one I stopped at there were three waitresses and a cook. The cook was in uniform, except she had her apron folded down in some sort of halfway thing leaving her nasty assed shirt showing. None of the waitresses had hats or head scarves on, which is a health department violation and one of them had a ring through her fucking lip. Oh hell no. This is going to be interesting.

The other one I stopped in at had two waitresses and a cook. They were all sitting on their asses at the low counter with no hats or aprons when I came in and one of them didn’t have a name tag. Both of the stores were shitholes as far as cleanliness goes. I think I will be hiring several new employees over the next few weeks.

9 throughts on "I know one thing…"

  1. The insanity defense was instituted for cases like this. Ignoring the fact that Yates was psychotic when she committed these terrible murders, and seeking to punish her only adds another victim to the crime.
    Cruelty is not justice.

  2. There are supposedly something like 20 million people in the US alone that are Manic-Depressive, or so-called “bipolar”. Does that mean it’s ok for me to kill my kids and maybe spend a couple of years in the fucking nut house just because I got a little depressed?

  3. I agree, their “pain of living with the knowledge of what they did” doesn’t cut it. Although, wouldn’t a person have to be nuts to kills all their kids?

  4. Characterizing Andrea Yates, or other mentally ill people as “a little depressed” is like saying that a brain tumor is “a little headache,” and then blaming those afflicted for missing work because of it.
    By the way, if a bipolar person was going to kill their children, they would do it when they are manic, and not depressed.
    My father is bipolar. Before he was diagnosed he had periodic psychotic breaks with reality. That meant that he NO RATIONAL concept faculties. Once he was on medication he ceased to have these episodes, and is now as sane as any of us.
    Mental illness is often as physical as any other disease. Welcome to the 21st Century.
    Fortunately for my family, my mother did not allow us kids to be left in my father’s care when he was having these episodes. She was afraid of what might happen, and rightly so he was insane.
    If we are going to blame anyone for the death of the Yeats children, why not start with the adults in the situation who HAD the full use of their rational minds. Andrea’s husband, family, and church knew that she had a problem, particularly with postpartum depression.
    That is why her doctor recommended that she not have children again.
    But she go pregnant again, and despite the fact that she was clearly ill, her husband went to back to work leaving her to take care of the kids. Her community did nothing to help those children.
    Is it okay for someone who is mentally ill to kill their kids? NO. But considering that the insane have no rational concept of what is good, bad, or otherwise, we can’t hold them responsible.
    To do so is nothing more than cruelty. And it is cruelty to absolve ourselves (the sane) of the responsibility when we failed to protect others from those who are insane.

  5. If they’d have been doing what they should’ve been doing, they wouldn’t have to worry about it. There’s no need to be hatin’, they deserve shit from the sounds of it. Give ’em hell! (then come back and tell us about it)

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