Getting Free Stuff… is the sponsor of this post and they are a pretty decent site where you can actually get Free Samples and Savings of your favorite products and try new ones. The site is set up under different categories such as Free Services and Software, Free Samples, Coupons, Deals and they even have a blog.

They further have the free samples divided into different categories with a ton of merchants in each. It’s easy to sign up. I figured I would check out a couple, so signed up for a free sample of St Joseph’s Aspirin, something that you always need around the house anyway. You can opt to NOT receive emails from merchants, which I did and then fill out a short survey and go through some of the free offers that you always get put through. Some of them are actually interesting on occasion so I don’t mind too terribly. There are several pages of free offer but overall it’s not too intrusive particularly considering that you are getting something free. recently sent out this press release:


By Offering Hundreds of Links to Real Brand Name Free Samples

In today’s economy, people loving getting something for nothing. In just under a year, hundreds of thousands of users have discovered, and why it’s the place to go if they’re looking for something free. The pull? offers thousands of completely free samples and printable coupons, the site is updated daily with the newest offers, and users have access to an online community with the ability to post comments and rate samples.

What helps stand out from other free sample sites is the thoroughness of their information. They arguably have the largest directory of free samples online, and each offer is complete with a detailed description of what you get as well as an image of the product and a direct link to the sign up form.

In a market that is saturated by web sites claiming to give away free stuff and then requiring you to sign up for paid offers to earn the product, MySavings stands out by offering only legitimate and brand name free samples.

According to the President of Brandt Held “Companies distribute samples to consumers in the hope that if they like the sample, they will buy their product. We make it easy for consumers to try before they buy, by linking them to hundreds of real brand name free samples.”

One of the site’s goals is to create an online community for their users. Members religiously rate and comment on each offer as soon as it comes in the mail, allowing others valuable insights as to which ones and which ones aren’t. The Forum is one of the most popular features on, with thousands of registered users who aren’t afraid to say they’re addicted to the site, and addicted to free samples as well.

The site also rewards its members for posting. Users who post new topics and free samples are awarded with Amazon gift cards when they reach certain benchmarks. Add to that an entertaining blog that’s updated 3 times per week and you’ve got a site where users can happily get lost in for hours. And plenty do. was founded in 2006 as a savings community to link users to real brand free samples, coupons, and money saving offers.

If you like getting free stuff, stop by and give them a shout.