Wordless Wednesday

A Redneck Christmas...

Christmas 1990. The little one is my U.S. Marine and I am the idiot with the long hair and all black. I spent about a year and a half only working part time and going to school full time to get a history degree. Eventually I will go back and actually finish it.

10 throughts on "Wordless Wednesday"

  1. Nice photo! Yes, you should go back and finish your history degree. I have 54 hours left to get mine and then I’m going to get my JD/MPA (it’s a double degree in half the time!). Thanks for sharing the photo of your family. Hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. As I have gotten older the look has somewhat redefined itself. Black is still one of my favorite colors. As far as the hair I just don’t know. If I had the ability to retire right now I might grow it back but most likely I would end up looking too much like Gallagher…

  3. Have not followed this case very closely but I do know how to full proof who is deceptive and who is not. The sitter (girlfriend) is saying she knows nothing, / The dad took a lie detector test but has not drawn any light to himself. / The mom has not been accused. / The girl friends cousin comes in town during the time Haleigh came up missing. Ronald, the dad and this cousin have confrontation over a gun and the cousin suposedly runs back to Tennessee, all during the time Haleigh came up missing. Are there any others who haave made it publicly that I have missed?
    I know how to prove who is shooting streight and who is not, of all those mentioned above. If you will contact me by email and leave me a phone number I will be happy to contact you quickly and help move this forward.
    This is not a joke, rather I am interested in this being solved too.
    I was watching the news this evening and this case caught my attention completely. I AM SURE I CAN HELP!!

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