
Downtown Disney


I mentioned yesterday that I had had enough of Disney by this time. For our last day there we decided to spend the first part of it at one of the water parks and then go to Downtown Disney that afternoon.

I’m glad we got to be able to go. While I didn’t particularly want to go spend a fortune on stuff in the stores there I did want to go do some window shopping and have a bite to eat there. We canceled our dinner reservations at the Animal Kingdom and decided to just eat somewhere at Downtown Disney instead.

Although there is a ton of entertainment and we really enjoyed the several story arcade it’s mostly made up of Disney shopping and boy do they have some stuff to check out.


There were a ton of Disney pins. If you haven’t been to Disney before you won’t know the import of the pins. See the lanyard around Pete’s neck? It’s full of the collectable pins. All of us, including myself succumbed to this and we now have a shitload of Disney pins. You can trade them with some of the Disney cast members for other ones you might want and apparently it’s a pretty lucrative business on eBay as well.

I can understand that. We also give pins to our employees at work and they just love to collect, buy and trade the pins with each other and really love it when they have something someone else doesn’t. I have an entire desk drawer full of that crap at home. 22 years of working for them. I may just have to put some of them up on eBay. The Olympics pins we gave out during the ’96 games might actually be worth something to someone.

Anyway, they all got to get a couple of pins. I think all total I probably spent two hundred bucks on pins and freaking lanyards while we were there.

2766391962_2163be64e8[1].jpgThere was also a store that sold nothing by Mr. Potato Head. It was pretty cool. There were a couple of tables inside where the kids could put together Mr. Potato Head so we let them play for awhile. There was also an area with Star Wars Potato Head and I had to make sure and get a couple of pictures of these guys.

I particularly like Darth Potato Head and the Sith Potato Head.

We let them run around and play in there for awhile and then moved on to something else.

2765546193_bea151017e[1].jpgWe thought about going to the Crab House but then decided on something else. I still wanted the picture of the old steamboat restaurant though.

I think that the favorite part of Downtown Disney for everyone was the Lego store. Man, they had some really cool stuff.

THIS is the Lego guy…

Lego guy and I got to talking for awhile and he was form some place in bumblefuck midwest who quit his life and job to move to Florida and work at the Lego place…

2765546677_3b14199edc[1].jpgLego guy was working outside where they have several tables for folks to build stuff out of. He’s in charge of making sure everything is cool and nobody takes the Legos. He also makes sure to let everyone know that he’s the one with the wheels. If you wanted wheels on your Lego car you had to see him and god forbid you lose the fucking wheels.

I see a fucking serial rapist in the makings…

I caught a case of the crabs there…

2765546767_8e1732b24c[1].jpgMaybe not but it certainly sounded good at the time…

After wandering around we decided to have dinner at the Wolfgang Puck Cafe. It was ok. Pete decided she wanted Sushi.

2765546905_3cac5aacab[1].jpgThe only problem with Sushi is that if you are eating outside and it’s 85 degrees it does
n’t take long for that shit to get nastified.

Even Pete agrees…They screwed up her order the first time but finally got it right. What with the heat and humidity she didn’t eat very much of it.

That was pretty much it. We went back to the resort and may have swam for a while but the next morning we high-tailed it back to Georgia. Unfortunately I had chosen to let them automatically charge me for everything so as to save time so I wasn’t able to ditch the final bill. Since we paid for the lodging, food and park tickets way ahead of time the only stuff I had to pay for was what we actually purchased and any extra meals. I think it came out to around another $1100 so the damage could have been worse.

I love going to Disney but for us the time constraints just kill you. Even with having a week there we still weren’t able to do everything we wanted to without cramming it into 15-18 hour days. I think the best way to go would be to spend about three days in each park. 14-21 days. I’ll have to hock my fucking retirement for that one though…

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I WANT to Believe…

Updated 10/14/08 – Casey Anthony has been indicted by a grand jury on seven counts including 1st Degree Murder and is in police custody. More info here.

Update August 29th 10:50PM – Casey has been rearrested for writing bad checks.

Updated August 29th 5:33PM

Casey Anthony’s bond revoked, to return to jail on Saturday?

I received an email earlier from someone asking about the Orange County Florida criminal database and after looking at the thing it seems as though we were mistaken and what we were looking at had no bearing on anything going on right now. Confused yet? Doesn’t matter.

Anyway, one of the sites run by that psychic Gale was brought up and I mentioned that I had been there as well as some of the other sites run by her cohorts. I was not particularly impressed.

I believe in psychics. I also believe in ghosts and magic and all sorts of weird shit. What I don’t believe are the 90% of people that say that they have seen it or experienced it, particularly if they have to send out a fucking press release to let the whole world know. Bigfoot anyone?

Personally I think that if that Gale was for real she would have just driven down and checked out the place for vibes or whatever it is she does and then quietly called the Anthonys to let them know what she thought. It’s not as if they aren’t taking calls from the rest of the crackpots around the state of Florida. Their home number is posted on the Find Caylee web site fer christ’s sake! Why issue press releases about what you are going to be doing and how? Does that serve some purpose in psychic land? Do the vibes get stronger when the greater part of the population of the United States read on CNN that you were going to ‘blind drive’ around the area to find Caylee? There’s a reason that psychic and psychosis look so much alike. Hell, for all I know they tuned in with the psychic psilocybin and pslythered around like psloths in the pslippery mud…

I do so want to believe in it, just not their brand of bullshit…

Everyone is right sooner or later. My personal opinion is that Caylee Anthony is dead (for those of you that have no fucking clue as to what I am talking about, there ya’ go) and that she either died in the hot car driven by her mother or accidently drowned in the pool, her mother freaked the hell out, didn’t know what to do and passed the buck onto a make-believe babysitter. If I’m right does that make me a psychic? If so just send your donations through paypal. The fucking link’s around here somewhere.

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Yet Another Cookout…

OK folks. I was going to spend my days off this next week (the only week in July that I actually have two days off) either in Hilton Head or Destin but I think we are going to stay in town. I would love to go to the beach but I want to conserve a bit of cash. After spending well over $6k for ten days in Florida last month I need the break anyway. Thursday I think I will take my oldest daughter to Six Flags instead. The Marine and I used to do that every couple of years and we always had a pretty good time.

We are going to host a cookout either Thursday or Friday, whatever is better for folks. I’ll send some emails out but if you don’t get one that doesn’t mean you aren’t invited it just means I don’t have your fucking email address. Shoot me an email or call me if you want to come. The number is 770-313-3231. If’n you think it’s a bad thing to post my number on the Internet, hell it’s already there anyway. Leave me a voice mail because if I don’t have you in my contact list I WON’T answer the fucking thing anyway but I will call you back. Maybe. Let me know if you want to come and I will email directions. Also tell me which day it should be. I know that Friday is probably the best day for folks since it’s a work day, but since it’s summer time I figured Thursday might be acceptable as well. I can drink Thursday since I am off Friday but I have to behave myself Friday. Not that I get drunk and act stupid or anything, I just get drunk and act stupid. Oh yeah, kids are welcome too. Gotta have small moving targets.

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Vacation Plans


I just got back from one and am already making plans for the next πŸ™‚

I have to because of my job. I already have the dates for the entire year laid out for my whole organization simply because it’s too difficult to set up at the last minute.

Anyhow, I have broken down and made reservations for Disney World again. Six nights, seven days at the Polynesian resort. They let you pay in installments, which is a good damn thing because I am going to be working my ass off over the next six weeks to do it, both at my real job as well as online.

I’m looking forward to it and the girls are all excited about it. This trip will be slightly longer than the last one in 2005, which will be cool. The Marine is going to see if he can get any leave while we are there and fly down to hang with us as well.

We are going the last week of May, first week of June and while it will be pretty hot, I spent a lot of summers in Florida and June is actually not too bad. August and September are the worst.

Last time we went we stayed int he contemporary resort, so this will be a nice change. Also pretty convenient to the Magic Kingdom and Epcot since the Monorail runs through the resort.

Now that RePete is five, she should enjoy it a bit more than last time. Not that she didn’t have a great time, but some of the stuff was a bit over her head.

RealTravel Travel Blog

With all of the writing I do on occasion about destinations I’ve been to, want to go to or only wish I could get to, I hit the occasional travel blog to see what other peoples experiences have been. RealTravel travel blog is a fairly informative blog that I like to go to. They have some well written pieces about all sorts of destinations and I enjoy visiting occasionally.

One of the first things that I usually look for after checking out a couple of photographs is how long the site has been around. I want to know that these folks really have an interest in what they are writing about and with RealTravel travel blog there are several hundred posts which means that they just didn’t throw up a website with a couple of posts and a few ads to make a quick buck. They are in it for the long haul and WANT me to read about these places.

What do I like reading most over there? The Florida Keys and Hawaii of course πŸ™‚ That’s pretty much a no-brainer if you’ve been reading here for any amount of time. I have started setting a bit of money aside this time. I REALLY want to go down to the keys in January or February and when our 20th anniversary rolls around Memorial Day weekend next year I am planning a trip to Hawaii finally. Actually it will be a couple of weeks after Memorial Day because school won’t be out until after that, or at least the teachers won’t and I of course never have holidays off. Anyway, I will probably be doing quite a bit of reading at the travel blog as well as other sites between now and then. I only wish I could DRIVE to Hawaii as I hate flying with a passion.