March 2007

It’s a small world…

I have written a couple of times about how I almost went to jail over a spitball and a Burger King manager. One of my partners in crime has her abode on the web over here. Now if she would just open up her comments to the public…

Dirty Old Men

This reminds me of a line (you can bash me in the comments) “Old Enough to Pee, Old Enough for Me”. Not that I have used it in twenty years or so. It’s easy to look at younger ladies (and guys for you ladies) until your kids start growing. Now when I see an attractive…Read more

UK Man Hangs Himself While in a Chatroom…or Suicide Picture

I have certainly considered hanging myself after having to spend time in an AOL chatroom, but damn this is sad. In all actuality, even though I may make light of this, it is a terrible thing. I really feel for the guys two children. I wrote this little blurb last night and forgot all about…Read more

Anna Nicole's Last Photo

Thanks to the Zero Boss I found this shot. Looks like someone misjudged the size of the body bag. Someone is handy with photoshop anyway. Technorati : Anna Nicole, Anna Nicole Smith

Last Day…

…thank goodness. It will probably be a quite long one as well. I will be on the grill until at least after lunch, then I have three weeks of schedules to do, some other paperwork to finish, audits and inventories and a butt load of cleaning (particularly my office). I also have to paint all…Read more

Beef Curtains

I did this paid post on my business blog for labia reduction (I refrained from taking it this afternoon because I could think of nothing but dirty jokes and then took it a few minutes ago) and there are several posts about the opportunity in the forums over there. One of the ladies referred to…Read more

Current Desktop

I actually did this screenshot for a post I was doing over at my business blog about Callwave, but this is what my desktop looks like currently.

Teacher Fired Because She is a Witch

I was over at Jimi Morrison’s Head and came across this report of a Central Islip, NY teacher who is claiming she was fired because she is a witch. Obviously this has some connotations of possible discrimination but other than that I think the entire thing is stupid. As I commented over at his site…Read more


I am looking forward to Monday. I don’t think I am going to do anything except to sleep in and watch the shows that I have missed the last few weeks. There are several episodes of 24, Lost, and Battlestar Galactica that I have recorded but refrained from watching. The wife and I generally watch…Read more

So What’s the Big Deal About Twitter?

I keep hearing more and more about twitter and am starting to notice it on some of the really big sites. I saw where one guy had it on his sidebar, and also inserted into a post and basically said “hey, now you can know when I’m scratching my ass”. I have tried it twice…Read more