
Subliminal Learning

I have been thinking about stopping smoking for a long time now. The problem is that I occasionally still enjoy it. Most of the time it’s just a habit but I fight these things, particularly since everyone in the house wants me to stop. It’s a psychological thing I guess.

One of the guys I used to work with has been in the same boat for the last few years. A couple of years back he tried hypnosis and that seemed to work briefly but not for good. Recently he has been trying subliminal messaging and thus far he has been doing a pretty good job at it. I don’t work with him anymore and only speak to him on the phone occasionally so I don’t actually know if he has stopped or not for real but he does claim he’s not smoking at all and attributes it to subliminal CDs that he ordered off of the Internet. What’s interesting is that he is creating his own subliminal tapes and subliminal CDs himself using Subliminal Studio.

Subliminal messages are supposed to be pretty powerful stuff. The only reason I haven’t done anything like that is because I am always afraid I will wake up barking like a chicken or something 😉 Seriously though, I looked around the site after he told me a bit about it and the whole deal looks pretty cool. I do know that a lot of people use subliminal audio to learn languages, refine their thinking so that it’s sharper, even get rid of fears. Hey, maybe I should make a tape that will get me over my fear of flying before I have to go anywhere again. I am deathly afraid of flying and it would be pretty cool to get rid of that one.

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Have Coffee…Will Travel…

I have a ton of writing I need to get finished today and for the last ten minutes or so I have been dozing off in front of my computer. I guess that shake only lasted so long. Time to go make a pot of extra strong coffee. Too bad I ran out of the good Starbucks stuff…

Breakfast of Champions

After my breakfast of a couple of handfuls of Turkey breast lunch meat there’s not much better than a homemade chocolate shake made with Chocolate ice cream, a touch of milk, and some chocolate syrup. Damn that’s good. I’ve had most of my major food groups now, poultry, dairy, vegetables (chocolate beans), caffeine and tobacco. Good to go.

Care Packages

A while back we sent a couple of care packages to our nephew in Iraq. He has thus far received one of them and thoroughly enjoyed the contents which ranged from snacks and libations to toothbrushes and stuff. It took right around a month to get to him, which could be worse I suppose. We have sent him another one more recently but he hasn’t received it yet. I guess now that my son is in the military we will end up sending quite a few more care packages each month.

As much as I enjoy sending out the care packages it can be a pain to try and get everything together and packaged properly for a long trip. There is a website at CookiesAmore.com that will ship care packages to our soldiers for you. Show Your Support of Our Troops! CookiesAmore has several different type of care packages that include different types of snacks for soldiers with and without a sweet tooth.

Some of theses guys (and ladies) spend a year or more away from their families and friends and even away from people that speak the same language. One of the coolest things that you can do to show your support for the members of our military is to send them a care package.


I’ve had such a problem sleeping the last few nights that I took a couple of Benadryl last night around eight. It was still after ten when I finally went to sleep and boy do I feel groggy this morning. That is about the strongest medicine I will take and it shows in the way that it effects me. Man I don’t want to wake up this morning.

I found out last night that I have a meeting in Atlanta on Tuesday afternoon so I am going to have to try and reschedule the time I am picking up that darned rental car. It was supposed to be at three tomorrow afternoon but I have to be in Atlanta by three. Hopefully they will let me pick this thing up by noon tomorrow.

The wife took both girls clothes shopping and then grocery shopping over the weekend. We all have to make sure and wear blue at graduation because blue is the color for Lima company. They picked up a pair of ‘sparkly’ shoes for the four year old and my wife said that my older girl just stood there with mouth agape staring at the jewelry. That’s too darn funny. I guess she is at that age where it is starting to look good to her.

I am so hoping that today will not be a terribly long day. I have several things that I really need to get done this afternoon both online and off and I need to go ahead and finish the laundry and start packing since obviously I won’t have a lot of time tomorrow and non at all on Wednesday before I leave.

Cell Phones, Wal-Mart, Dog Food…This Ain’t My Shopping List…

Yesterday afternoon I ran out to the local Wal-Mart to get stuff for hamburgers. The girls had company coming for supper and I try to only make them eat dog food when their friends aren’t around so as to avoid answering sticky questions. Get them ready for old age a bit early and all that.

Anyway, apparently on the way out the door I dropped my cell phone. I didn’t realize it until I was getting in the car and flipped. My damn cell phone has hundreds of numbers related to work as well as personal stuff that I really can’t afford to lose. There are several years of history stored in that thing. I checked at the cash register where I was run up and then walked down a couple of aisles. I was pretty much resigned to the fact that I was going to have to go to Verizon and report it lost but decided to check with customer service before I left. Apparently I walked right past it on my way back in to the store because the dude that found it and picked it up was returning it to customer service as I was walking up.

Thank goodness for honest people. I guess I just spend far too much time around these people that I work with because half of the fuckers would have put it in their pockets and left with it.

I’ve started putting the belt thing back on my belt rather than hooking it into my pocket as I normally do. It will take some getting used to but it does tend to fall out of my pocket a lot.

Getting Up Made Easy

Lifehacker has a short post on changing habits and things to do to make getting up early easier. Here’s an idea for you: Set your alarm and get your lazy asses out of bed. Life changing, isn’t it?

Seriously, get up between 4 and 5 every day and most of us including myself are much more productive in the morning than later in the day. The hint that is given helps though. Write down why you are getting up and it will help to reinforce the idea in your head. Once you’ve done it for a month it will be easier because anything you do for 28 days generally becomes a habit. The trick to making it easy is to get up at the same time EVERY DAY. If you get up at 6 Monday through Friday and then sleep until noon all weekend it is going to be much harder.

Engadget’s Hundred Gadget Giveaway

Engadget is sponsoring a 100 gadget giveaway, with each contest running for six hours. I just entered and they have some pretty cool gadgets to give us. Go check it out, the current one runs until noon.

Happy Socialists Day!

Labor Day has been celebrated on the first Monday in September since the 1880s. According to Wiki Labor Day is celebrated on May 1st in most countries around the world except for the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. I suppose that is our nod to the fact that even though labor day is a Socialist’s holiday we aren’t a socialist country.

Anyway, enjoy your barbecues, picnics and whatever traditional Labor Day festivities you will be attending this year. Some of us have to work…

Still Need To ReDo that T-Shirt

I am going to take some time this evening with Photoshop and fix that T-Shirt design at Cafepress. I’ve been so busy with work and working at home when I’m not at work that I have gotten way behind on some things. I owe a T-Shirt to someone and wouldn’t mind having one for myself as well. I thought about putting my avatar and URL under it instead of the graphic that is one there and looks so cruddy.

Someone suggested that I make up business cards and custom pens as well. I’ve been thinking about it but really don’t know if I want to make the investment or not.