
Wordless Wednesday

I may have posted this already, or one like it, when I was discussing the wedding last month but I adore this photo.

Wordless Wednesday

This is my open-trackback post for Wednesday and Thursday March 26th-27th (now that Wednesday is half over 🙂

Wordless Wednesday

Technorati: Wordless Wednesday

Late Sixties

I’m back to scanning some photos. You can’t find cartridges for the printer I use locally anymore. I’m sure that I can probably order them online but I find that the more and more I use it for work I have been wanting a printer anyway. Since I got a gift cart for Wal-Mart at…Read more

The Last Sitting

As much as I’ve been reading and hearing about Lindsay Lohan’s now famous photo shoot with Bert Stern (the photographer that did Marylin’s last photo shoot) you would have thought she hosted Jesus at the last supper. And why? It’s a poor imitation of an extremely sensual set of photos. You can check out Lohan’s…Read more

Wordless Wednesday

Technorati Tags: Wordless Wednesday,Photography,Children

Sunset On Hilton Head…

I really liked this shot. The only bad part about trying to catch a sunset when you are on the east coast is that you are facing the wrong direction to get the full impact of the sun going down. There was a bit of rain moving in and the air was great. The first…Read more

South Carolina

Here’s a couple of photos I took while in Beaufort and Parris Island… That first one is just a tree (duh) full of Spanish Moss right outside the All Weather Training Facility on Parris Island. This was shot while leaving Parris Island on Thursday. Quite a bit of the area around the barrier islands in…Read more

Watch This…

…is usually the last thing you hear before a redneck hurts himself doing something stupid. Believe me, I know from personal experience. In this case though I did want you to check it out. I wrote a review on a piece of software at another site this morning and did this with it… That’s no…Read more

Photo Hunt Saturday

This weeks PhotoHunt Saturday theme is Dirty. She’s not sure if she likes this sand stuff or not… Technorati: PhotoHunt This is also my Open Track-Back Post for Labor Day Weekend 2007. Trackposted to Perri Nelson’s Website, Blog @, The Virtuous Republic, Rosemary’s Thoughts, DeMediacratic Nation, 123beta, Adam’s Blog, Right Truth, Inside the Northwest…Read more